Langues & Cultures
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 298-318
Authors : Idri Nadia . Aliouchouche Fadhila . Mehdi Rachid .
paper sheds light the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) (Chamot & O’Malley, 1994) principles, to diagnose doctoral students’ difficulties, and to highlight the possibility of adopting the CALLA model to monitor and develop doctoral stu-dents’ academic writing. The study main objectives are to spotlight on the cognitive strategies students need to use on the one hand and suggest the application of the model’s mod-ules namely the appropriate learning strategies, development of academic language and a related curriculum to their specialty and research field on the other. To reach these objectives, a mixed qualitative and quantitative research design was adopted. Preliminary results showed that the CALLA model’s phases were partly used by a wide range of students. Additionally, to develop their academic and scientific writing skills, content-based instruction can be adjusted using this model.
Academic achievement ; CALLA Model ; cognitive strategies ; EAP ; content-based curriculum
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