Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 319-340

دور حروف المعاني في توجيه المتشابه اللفظي في الخطاب القرآني

الكاتب : بودانة طه الأمين .


In this study we seek to discover the pivotal role played by the letters of meanings in the direction of the meanings of similar verses in the Holy Quran; by studying the most prominent models in which there is a difference in the use of the letters of meanings. This study will require us first to define the letter, and then specify the properties of the letters of meanings, in addition to the definition of the concept of "similar verbal Quranic". It is certain that this study will not be a statistical survey of all the contents of the Holy Quran, but will be limited - as we have mentioned - to the most important models that caught the attention of scientists; both of them specialized in the study of the Koranic verbatim, or other grammarians and linguists and interpreters

الكلمات المفتاحية

role; letters; meanings; direction ; similar; pronunciational; quranic; discourse