أبحاث قانونية وسياسية
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 739-750

The Repercussions Of The Russian-ukrainian War On The World

Authors : Aly Salama Abdelaziz Hassan .


The research aims to shed light on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on restoring the balance of international powers, and analyze the Russian political justifications for invading Ukraine, and the repercussions of that war on world peace, by describing and analyzing those repercussions. The research also deals with Russian threats to use nuclear weapons, and the problem of the study lies in the fact that NATO is keen to expand east towards Europe , at the same time Russia is keen to protect its national security. and In the event that the two parties fail to reach peaceful solutions, it is expected that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will turn into a third world war. I believe that one of the most important results of the study is the need to intensify diplomatic efforts to find a mechanism that would prevent the presence of NATO in Ukraine.


Repercussions – Russian Ukrainian war - World peace