مجلة الباحث في العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية
Volume 15, Numéro 2, Pages 225-242

Media Content On Social Platforms Post Pandemic Outcomes And Remedial Needs

Authors : Boucedjra Lilia . Bouderbala Abdelkader . Hadir Mohamed .


This research paper seeks to shed light on the impact of the Corona pandemic on the exercise of rights and freedoms, especially freedom of expression and opinion. By researching the impact of media handling through social platforms during the pandemic and the phenomena, it produced under the weight of exceptional measures, (emergencies and quarantine) and the narratives that accompanied those stages. The study answers a major problem represented in the reasons to control of media content through social platforms, according to the secretions of media coverage during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, and its impact on freedom of opinion and expression. The research concluded that the Corona pandemic, as an exceptional circumstance that requires exceptional treatment, prompted countries to adopt exceptional measures, but this does not require canceling the gains associated with the principles of freedoms and rights. In addition, returning to normal conditions requires studying the effects and treating secretions, and the repercussions of media content through social platforms have proven the necessity of regulating this content and subjecting it to social responsibility and ethical values more than adopting the principle of censorship, which is contrary to freedom of expression and opinion.


Media content ; social platforms ; corona pandemic ; Treatment ; Censorship