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Afak For Sciences


Afak For Sciences Journal (A.S.J) is a double blind international peer-reviewed, Trimestrial, free scientific journal, Open-access journal, published by Djelfa University, Algeria. The journal publishes original scientific research paper and Electronic, languages: English and French, in human and social sciences plus economic studies. (A.S.J) is open for academic world and research institutes, academic and non-academic researchers and research team. Our goal is to provide original, relevant, and timely informations from diverse sources ; to write and published with absolute integrity ; and to serve as effectively as possible the needs of those involved in all human and social sciences plus economic areas. If your research will help us achieve these goals, we would like to bear from you. (A.S.J) provide immediate open access to its content on the principle that making the research freely avaible to the public supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge. The article must contain the title and abstract in the language of the article and in English is mandatory



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فترة الاستقبال غير محددة بآجال ( الاستقبال مفتوح طوال الوقت)

تعتذر هيئة المجلة للباحثين الأفاضل عن استقبال المقالات باللغة العربية










Kindergarten in the era of digitization: a forward-looking vision

بن النية أحلام,  يعلى فروق,  بوحفص طارق, 

Résumé: This research paper tries to present a modern vision for teaching and learning in the information age through anticipating the digitization of kindergartens and transforming them from stereotypical to informatics, by moving from traditional educational programs, methods and boring teaching methods that depend on memorization and indoctrination to modern methods and techniques in an attractive scientific template that depends on understanding and thinking skills. This is achieved by integrating the computer into its programs as a strategic choice. Scientific studies have proven its effectiveness in sharpening the talents of the child and exploding his energies in a creative, unconventional way that depends mainly on computerized programs designed on scientific foundations under the supervision of an academically and professionally qualified educator working to raise the level of educational outcomes in line with the specifications of a kindergarten Tomorrow that will qualify her children for professions we do not know yet; As the world of tomorrow is the world of digitization, or rather the world of inventions in various areas of life.

Mots clés: kindergarten, child, educator kindergarten, computer, computerized programs.

L’éducation aux médias dans le programme scolaire algérien

إدريس سهيلة, 

Résumé: résumé: L’objectif de cet article est de montrer l’importance accordée à la sensibilisation aux risques des médias dans l’’école algérienne. A cette fin, une analyse thématique a été effectuée sur tout contenu se rapportant aux médias dans les livres scolaires (moyen et secondaire). l’école Algérienne propose des enseignements transversaux et transdisciplinaires correspondants à l’éducation aux médias. Cependant l’approche de prévention aux risques médiatiques est loin d’être à la hauteur des défis à relever dans un environnement technologique qui ne cesse d’évoluer. Abstract: The objective of this article is to shed light on the importance given to raising awareness of the risks of the media in Algerian school. To this end, a thematic analysis was madding on all media-related content in schoolbooks for the different subjects for both middle and secondary levels. The Algerian school offers transversal and trans disciplinary courses corresponding to media education. However, the media risk prevention approach is far from equal to the challenges to be met in an ever-changing technological environment;

Mots clés: education aux medias ; programme scolaire ; sensibilisation ; risques

The Suez Crisis (1956) as a Threatening Challenge to the Commonwealth

ولديرو سعدية, 

Résumé: Adopting the analytical narrative approach, this paper explores how the Suez Crisis (1956) created a rift within the Commonwealth. This latter is an association that emerged after the Second World War (1939-1945) to encompass some of the ex-British colonies as one family rather than being under a colonial rule. Under a set of diverse principles, this association was supposed— and still is —to participate in promoting peace instead of waging wars, and its decisions should be built upon consultation and mutual consensus between its different members. However, in 1956, Britain broke those rules by fighting with France and Israel against Egypt in a war named as the Suez Crisis. By doing so, the unity of the Commonwealth was highly shaken.

Mots clés: Britain ; Commonwealth ; Suez Crisis

Panopticism and the Deconstruction of the Institutionalized Discourse of Racialized Beauty in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

برزوق هناء, 

Résumé: The impact of the notion of beauty on individuals is at the heart of The Bluest Eye. The characters’ admittance of their ugliness is a potentially fatal form of self-loathing. Furthermore, it is a means of reinforcing and confirming the normative beauty standards that the Whites have already established against them and that result in Pecola’s development of a scapegoat identity. The racialized meaning of beauty in The Bluest Eye maintains that the outside beauty reflects inner moral virtue. Pecola’s yearning for blue eyes reveals her self-loathing as she condones the normative racialized representations of beauty. Her final descent into madness could be blamed on the White supremacist myth of beauty. Thus, this paper is mainly concerned with Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye as a counter-discursive strategy to dismantle the already institutionalized racialized standards of beauty. This research is qualitatively carried out on Michel Foucault’s disciplinary concept of the panopticon to show how America built a massive panoptic system around the Hollywood industry. It further draws upon Morrison’s (1971) “What the Black Woman Thinks About Women's Lib” to reveal how she succeeds in revolutionizing the notion of beauty by building consensual empathy towards a little black girl who goes insane because of this panoptic mechanism.

Mots clés: beauty ; counter discourse ; panopticism; race; the bluest eye ; toni morrison

النسوية عناصرها وميزاتها في شعر غادة السمان وفروغ فرخزاد (دراسة مقارنة تحليلية).

اصل ركن آبادي ليلي, 

الملخص: كان أَدَبَا العربيِّ والفارسيِّ منذُ ظهورهما إلى أيامنا الراهنة مليئيْنِ بوصف الجمال من الجمال الطبيعي إلى جمال الكون وجمال المرأة، المراد من الشعر الأنثويّ ذلك الذي قرّظتْه شاعراتٌ في مختلف اللغات، فصوّرن صبوهنّ إلى مَن أحبَبْنَ من الرجال وإلى ما استقرّ في صدورهنّ من غرام. ثم إنّ هذا الضرب من الشعر النسوي – رغم ما دار بين النقاد خلاف مديد حول قبوله أو رفضه- تتسم بسمات عديدة، كاللغة النسوية ووصف غرامهنّ إلى أحبائهن ووصف أعمالهنّ المعتادة.لكلًّ من غادة السمّان وفروخ فرخزاد باعتبارهما الشاعرتين الطلائعيتين في الأدبين العربي والفارسي، قدمٌ راسخة في ترسيخ جذور هذا الضرب من الشعر في الأدبيْنِ، ثم كان هناك ضرب من المشتركات بين الشاعرتين فيما يخصّ بعض الوجوه الأنثوية مثل تجسيد الغرام ووصف الرجال وما إلى ذلك، ولكن الفارق الرئيس بين الشاعرتين هو أنّ فروغ فرخزاد أكثر تمرّدا على تقاليد المجتمع كما أن لغتها الشعرية أكثر اتصافا بالأنثوية.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الشعر الأنثويّ، غادة السّمّان، فروغ فرخزاد، الغرام، الحبيب.

La dictée révisée, comme moyen de faciliter le processus d’apprentissage de l’écriture au collège

غريب جمال,  بن عمار ربيعة, 

Résumé: Les apprenants collégiens rencontrent beaucoup de difficultés à améliorer leur compétence en écriture par manque de temps d’apprentissage de cette activité. Pour pallier cet échec, nous proposons la dictée révisée en tant qu’outil, pour faire préparer les apprenants avant sa réalisation en salle de classe. Notre problématique remet en question les outils didactiques appliqués dans l’enseignement de l’écrit étant une activité complexe, ce qui nous amène à la question principale de notre sujet et qui est : dans quelle mesure la dictée révisée pourrait-elle améliorer la perception auditive chez les apprenants de 3ère année moyenne ? La dictée révisée a permet aux apprenants de développer leur autonomie et les rendre plus actifs facilitant l’amélioration de leur écrit.

Mots clés:  difficultés en écrit ;  dictée révisée ;  perception auditive

The Impact of Web 2.0 Tools to Hone EFL Students’ Interculturality

بلمامون سهيلة, 

Résumé: Recently, the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as well as Web 2.0 tools has brought about a paradigm shift in the teaching/learning process from teacher-centeredness into learner-centeredness in which EFL learners are able to cultivate their own intercultural communicative competence (ICC). These mobile devices provide a virtual space that can act as a catalyst to facilitate communication, exchanging messages, sharing knowledge, and interacting with others regardless of geographical boundaries. Stated differently, online platforms, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter enable EFL students to communicate and interact with otherness from divergent linguistic and cultural backgrounds with just a couple of mouse-clicks, thereby bolstering their intercultural communication. To this end, a plethora of studies attempted to investigate the effectiveness of online world in cultivating EFL learners’ ICC. Accordingly, the paper at hand endeavored to discuss the effect of social media on ICC by reviewing the most relevant literature.

Mots clés:  Interculturality ;  Web 2.0 tools

Exploratory study on pedagogical practices at the HITS of Sfax during and outside lockdown : towards a hybrid teaching based on flipped classrooms

Lamine Hayet, 

Résumé: In this paper we present an exploratory study on the tools, the resources and the teaching methods used at department of computer technologies of the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sfax, during and except the period of the lockdown. We first describe our survey object of the study, then we analyze the results from the retained answers, and finally we conclude our work by giving perspectives.

Mots clés:  Exploratory study ;  Lockdown ;  Educational tools ;  Educational resources ;  Educational methods

Innovation in university didactics : Towards a better preparation of the architecture student for the professional environment

Ben Chaaben Tajouri Nihed, 

Résumé: The reflection on the university curriculum and methodology of teaching architecture in Tunisia brings us to opt for a better preparation of the student for a highly competitive professional environment. Trying to understand the deep specificities of the discipline of architecture and to identify the major features of the relationship between the academic and the professional environment allow to identify some tracks and some possible actions related to their teaching. The emphasis is placed on an innovative two-pronged approach. The first concerns a teaching method oriented more towards multidisciplinarity and group teaching. The second concerns the didactic content of the transversal and the optional teaching units which must be both imbued with an applied character and open to communication through new technologies, site visits, marketing, multilingual communication, management and Design as well.

Mots clés: Architecture ; pedagogy ; didactics ; university teaching ; professional environment

Ability to provide remote educational support at HITS Jendouba following the VUT action plan during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mbarek Yassine, 

Résumé: This article presents the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Jendouba (HITSJ) before the COVID-19 pandemic and after the action plan followed to ensure the online educational support of students during the period of confinement. The objectives are to (1) emphasize the use of Distance Learning (DL) before the pandemic in the HITS of Jendouba using the statistics produced by the E-learning correspondent (ELC) of the establishment; (2) the action plan of the Virtual University of Tunis (VUT) during the confinement period, including the role of the online education department in the action plan, the role of the ELC in the plan of action, teacher training and the pedagogical scenario adopted; (3) newly acquired pedagogical and technical skills, teaching staff pedagogical skills and technical skills; (4) educational support during the confinement period, the deployment of study plans on the Moodle platform iset.uvt.tn, the adaptation of group timetables and the synchronization of videoconference sessions; (5) an empirical study of pedagogical support, measurement of the Commitment of the teaching staff, measurement of the registration of students on the platform and in the courses, measurement of the success rate of distance education in the transmission of knowledge and learning, measurement of feasibility according to the departments, measurement of the impact of teacher training in remote education.

Mots clés: Distance learning (DL), ; ICT ; videoconferencing, ; Pedagogical support, ; Moodle ; action plan, ; VUT ; teacher training ; scripting of online courses

contribution to the improvement of pedagogy through the use of tools

Mkhinini Maher,  Ayachi Intissar,  Cherni Thameur, 

Résumé: Through this work, we will explain how to use survey tools conducted within an engineering educational institution to improve the performance of teaching, reform its education and advance learning. Similarly, we will exploit a survey work done outside the school "extra school" to acquire useful information quantitatively and qualitatively. According to the results and the sampling carried out on a wide industry sector. We will proceed to a reform of the study plan.

Mots clés:  teaching practice ;  learning, ;  performanc: ;  enhancing tools

Examining University Students and Teachers’ Behavioral Intention to Upgrade Blended Learning Using an Extended TAM Model

Fareed Mahafdah Rund,  Dardouri Samia,  Bouallegue Ridha, 

Résumé: With the changing face of the learning paradigms in education industry due to the impact of global pandemic, various new revolutions are observed. This study reveals the intentions of students and academicians towards improvement in e-learning system. The technology acceptance model is used to identify the acceptability and improvements expected by them. Certain factors are identified in the model along with categorizing them under various hypothesis parameters. A survey was conducted for collecting opinions from various respondents. The survey was communicated in various universities across Middle East Region. More than 20 universities participated for answering the questions.

Mots clés:  blended learning, ;  traditional learning, ; artificial intelligence, ;  IoT, ; integrated learning

Teaching in Design Thinking Mode

Jedidi Ines,  Houarbi Sameh, 

Résumé: This work aims to optimize the student experience through design thinking. within the framework of the reconfiguration of the classical teaching model. It is about applying Design thinking to design courses by teachers (upstream) and by students (downstream). This opens the way to learning through solving real problems and developing an integrated and comprehensive teaching management that deals with the whole academic process in design mode from the design of the course by the teacher to the final evaluation including the activities carried out by the students in design mode. To do this, an experiment has been conducted in two Tunisian universities through applying the Design Thinking mode in teaching.

Mots clés:  Design thinking, ;  active pedagogy, ;  experimentation, student

Learning the patient – centered approach: evaluation of a simulation session by role-play for the students of the Facutly of Medicine of Sfax

Charfi Nada,  Aloulou Jihene,  Maalej Mohamed,  Gargouri Jalel, 

Résumé: We aimed to evaluate the satisfaction of the students of medicine of a session of simulation by role-play having as theme “patient centered approach”. We used a self-administered satisfaction questionnaire. Among 221 students, 94.1% qualified the quality of the session as satisfactory: the time allocated to the session (87.8%), the trainers (84.7%), the group size (89.6%) and the general atmosphere (88.2%). They declared that this session helped them to make connections with their previous knowledge (81.5%) and that it completed the practice in internship (83.2%). Our results showed the interest of integrating role-play into the medical education, at least at the end of the first cycle of medical studies. However, improvements of the educational system can be considered.

Mots clés:  Patient-centered approach ;  Medical studies ;  Role-play ;  Satisfaction

Artificial intelligence: areas of use and levels of impact on human life

عزوز سعيدة, 

Résumé: Through this research paper, the researcher seeks to shed light on the nature of artificial intelligence, which has moved from a mere idea that roams the human imagination to practice a process that we see in reality, as the applications of artificial intelligence have become an integral part of various administrative, economic and industrial activities. Therefore, we had to raise this topic to know the basics of artificial intelligence, its principles, types, areas of use, mechanisms of work, and the benefits and harms resulting from its employment in the various activities of human life. It was necessary to rely on the descriptive survey method with the tool of observation and reading of the various foreign references that preceded us in addressing this current topic in order to describe and simplify the phenomenon, because in its first indications it appears to us as a complex phenomenon that we have not yet become accustomed to. À travers ce document de recherche, le chercheur cherche à faire la lumière sur la nature de l'intelligence artificielle, qui est passée d'une simple idée qui parcourt l'imagination humaine à la pratique d'un processus que nous voyons dans la réalité, car les applications de l'intelligence artificielle sont devenues une partie intégrante dans le cadre de diverses activités administratives, économiques et industrielles. Par conséquent, nous devions aborder ce sujet pour connaître les bases de l'intelligence artificielle, ses principes, ses types, ses domaines d'utilisation, ses mécanismes de travail, ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients résultant de son emploi dans les diverses activités de la vie humaine. Il a fallu s'appuyer sur la méthode d'enquête descriptive avec l'outil d'observation et de lecture des différentes références étrangères qui nous ont précédés dans le traitement de ce sujet d'actualité pour décrire et simplifier le phénomène, car dans ses premières indications il nous apparaît comme un phénomène complexe auquel nous ne sommes pas encore habitués.

Mots clés: intelligence  artificial intelligence:  human: ; intelligence  intelligence artificielle :  humain :

Moral motive of the university professor and his social responsibility towards the student

أعمر فضيلة, 

Résumé: Summary: The basic tasks of universities are focused on the basis that they educational institutions raising the level in preparing qualified cadres and preparing scientific research required by the process of scientific research required by the process of scientific and technological progress, in order to understand these great tasks of the university, the role of the university professor emerges as one of the university's pillars, and one of the bases of building it ,as a result of the great role it plays in framing the students personalities and their scientific formation, since its role is no longer merely transfer of knowledge and its scientific contribution to the creation and development of knowledge, but rather it is facing a great responsibility , which is moral education, as their moral motivation gives the meaning of their humanity.

Mots clés: moral motivation ; social responsibility ; university professor

Les répercussions de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur le secteur du tourisme en Tunisie

Abderahmani Chouaib, 

Résumé: Cette étude vise à faire la lumière sur l'impact de l'épidémie de Corona sur le secteur du tourisme tunisien, car l'épidémie de Corona a eu de nombreux effets négatifs, notamment sur le secteur économique, y compris le secteur du tourisme et des voyages ; Parmi les effets les plus importants figurent le taux de chômage élevé, la faillite des agences de tourisme et la baisse des revenus du tourisme en Tunisie.

Mots clés: tourisme ; Corona ; Covid 19 ; Développement

Using Principal Components Analysis in Designing Academic Writing Scoring Rubrics

ميزاب منال, 

Résumé: Academic writing assessment is pivotal in university career. Some teachers tend to assign holistic marks to written compositions, ignoring assessment criteria. However, this paper highlights the importance of systematicity in assessment using scoring rubrics that are designed according to the context and population they are directed to. This paper suggests a paragraph scoring rubric after performing exploratory Principal Components Analysis (PCA). A set of 19 evaluation criteria is suggested and piloted on 51 paragraphs written by first-year university students from the Department of English at Tebessa University. After setting oblique rotation, PCA indicates that the variables are correlated (sig.  0.001 in Bartlett’s test), and are extracted into five factors that are correlated as well (r 0.32). The PCA pattern matrix indicates that some variables have cross-loadings, so they should be deleted. Therefore, the initial variables are extracted into four factors, named academic writing style, paragraph structure, lexis, and writing mechanics. These components constitute the holistic scoring rubric, which is recommended in scoring paragraphs, and which is tested to validate its groupings and psychometric properties.

Mots clés: analytical rubric ; assessment ; holistic rubric ; PCA ; writing

L’énonciation du silence dans ru de Kim THUY

موساوي حليمة,  جباري نسيمة, 

Résumé: ru, ce roman francophone contemporain, transcrit l’histoire intercontinentale : américaine et asiatique, dans une langue de racine européenne, cette diversité spatiale et culturelle, si large, fait éclaté le récit de mémoire, et ce qui en reste sont quelques fragments de texte visibles dans une étendue de blanc, de vide. Une narration à la première personne du singulier, hésitante et peu engagée, tente de reconstituer des récits, en jonglant sur les silences et les dires, une ambivalence ambiguë incitant le lecteur à intervenir, réfléchir sur l’usage excessif du langage et l’utilité du mutisme qui s’avère quelque fois plus communicatif que les mots.

Mots clés: énonciation ; silence ; langage ; blanc ; narration

Exploring the Impact of Sociolinguistic Instruction on EFL Learners’ Awareness of Language Communication Stereotypes

أحمد قاضي عبلة, 

Résumé: The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of sociolinguistic instruction in augmenting EFL learners’ awareness of language communication stereotypes and in challenging and reshaping their perceptions and attitudes towards them. This research administers a structured questionnaire to a random sample of 60 master one students at Djelfa University. The questionnaire is designed to gauge students' awareness of language communication stereotypes across various dimensions. The research yields compelling insights into the transformative potential of sociolinguistic instruction. Key findings underscore that EFL learners exposed to such instruction exhibit heightened awareness of language communication stereotypes. The study identifies specific areas of impact, with notable changes observed in students' perceptions of accent, region and gender-related stereotypes. These results affirm the pedagogical significance of sociolinguistic instruction in challenging preconceived notions and fostering a more inclusive approach to communication.

Mots clés: Sociolinguistic instruction ; Communication ; Awareness ; Stereotypes

Objective perspectives on charitable work

صديقة عبدالباقي, 

Résumé: The study deals with the topic of charitable work and its purposes. Where it aims to reveal the reality of charitable work and to indicate the importance it occupies in the life of the individual and society, as it stood on the statement of the controls that must be taken care of in order for this activity to achieve its goals and objectives, and it also evoked a number of purposes and objectives that are achieved through these charitable works. The study concluded with several results, the most important of which was that charitable work is an honorable work that stems from a sense of social responsibility, and it is an effort made by the individual or charitable associations without material compensation from it. Among members of society.

Mots clés:  purposes ;  control ;  charities ;  charitable work


بن جميل خولة, 

Résumé: This paper explores the protagonist's journey in forming her identity in Jamaica Kincaid's Annie John. It utilizes Freud's psychosexual development and Chodorow's mother-daughter relationship theories to analyze Annie's dynamics with her parents. Despite her efforts to distance herself from her mother, a yearning for reunion persists, leading to the replication of maternal attitudes in her relationships with girls. The study explains Annie's rebellious phases, her resistance to separating from her mother, and her rejection of traditional gender roles. It investigates her identity formation in relation to her parents, her interactions with both genders and her unconventional attachment to her mother.

Mots clés: Mother-daughter relationship ; Identity construction ; Pychosexual development ; father-daughter relationship ; Reproduced mothering

Discours numériques et stratégies argumentatives. Un défis à relever, des problèmes à résoudre et des difficultés à surmonter.

عريشة فريد, 

Résumé: Aujourd’hui, il parait évident que les discours numériques issus des « pratiques numériques contemporaines »(Paveau, 2017) sont devenus l’outil de communication le plus répondu de part le monde. Ils ont permis à un grand nombre d’utilisateurs de nouer des contactes, d’interagir oralement et ou verbalement et ainsi, produire des relations dans un « écosystème technologique »(Paveau, 2017). Dans le présent article, notre réflexion portera sur ces Technodiscours qui foisonnent sur les multiples blogs et réseaux sociaux numériques et qui, bien qu’en facilitant à ses utilisateurs, l’interaction sociale et multisociale, charrient en leur sein un lot de questionnements, de difficultés et de problèmes dont l’analyse de discours et la pragmatique dans sa partie stratégies argumentatives en sont aujourd’hui confrontées.

Mots clés:  Technodiscours ;  difficultés ;  Analyse de discours ;  Stratégies argumentatives

The Significance of Digitization Projects in the Algerian Higher Education Sector for Enhancing Educational Quality

برادة عبد الرزاق,  دحماني فاطمة, 

Résumé: This scholarly paper explores the pivotal role of digitization projects in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of higher education in Algeria. Utilizing a comprehensive approach that integrates descriptive and analytical methods, the research provides valuable insights into the impact of digitization projects on the educational and research environment within Algerian universities. Beyond mere technological enhancements, digitization projects represent a crucial paradigm shift toward elevating the standard of higher education in Algeria. Through a meticulous descriptive analysis of outcomes, it becomes evident that Algeria's efforts in digitization projects have significantly contributed to the advancement of the higher education sector in recent years.

Mots clés: digitization ; quality improvement ; higher education ; digitization projects ; digital transformation

Poetics of Parallelism in Contemporary Arabic Poetry: “Ephesians in Ephemeral Speech as a Model”

مسكين توفيق, 

Résumé: Custom of Contemporary Arab Poetry Transformations in Form and Content The poet endeavoured to promote the construction of his text through the search for various expressive alternatives and techniques that allow him to have a generous horizon capable of accommodating the real developments of his time with its various cultural and intellectual gifts, It allows him to express in high-end artistic language and creative methods derived from the movement of poetry modernism to elevate contemporary Arab poetry to a high level of performance and intellectual ethics.

Mots clés:  poetic discourse ;  parallelism ;  stylistic phenomena

Social Regulation and Organizational Change : A Dynamic Interaction

Sadaoui Smail,  Boumegoura Naim, 

Résumé: Social regulation and organizational change dynamically interact within organizations. While social regulation provides stability through norms, values, and shared culture, it evolves during organizational change. This change, disruptive yet fostering adaptability and innovation, influences and is influenced by social regulation. Collaboration is central, aiding in navigating change and fostering solidarity. Despite challenges, such as tensions, constructive conflict management is crucial. In summary, this dynamic interaction shapes organizational life, promoting evolution and prosperity amidst constant change.

Mots clés: Social regulation ; organizational change ; Negotiation ; Interaction ; Collaboration

The Untranslatability of the Algerian Proverbs A Myth or a Reality?

عصامنية سومية, 

Résumé: The intricacy of languages makes us presume that the literary art is untranslatable both linguistically and culturally. The fuzzy issue of untranslatability may occur not only on sophisticated literature, but also on folk literature. The Algerian folklore or oral tradition is so vast; as it is connected with the role of vernacular, cultural forms and social life. One integral component of the Algerian lore is the proverb. This paper attempts to reveal some cultural aspects of the Algerian proverb from the view point of translation. More specifically, the crux of this study is to examine the types of challenges the translator undergoes when translating Algerian proverbs into English and suggest some strategies that can be used to avoid these hindrances.

Mots clés: untranslatability ; Algerian Proverbs ; Translation strategies

The internal structure of the Arabic MMPI-2: A Cross cultural study

علي تودرت نسيمة, 

Résumé: The present study attempts to provide validation for the Arabic MMPI-2 through cross cultural equivalence study. The purpose was to compare the internal structure of the Arabic MMPI-2 with the original (U.S. MMPI-2). We have used the Arabic version of the MMPI-2 translated by Abdallah Mahmoud Soliman (1996). The MMPI-2 was administered to 145 Algerian college students and results were compared to those from an American college sample. The finding of the study showed that a two-factor solution for the content scales replicated very well in Algerian culture as well as in the United States. However, the validity and clinical scales did not possess as stable an internal structure even within U.S. samples. The factor structures that emerged in the Algerian data are nearly identical to the structures obtained in the U.S. college sample; the Algerian female sample showed stable four-factor solution for the validity and clinical scales and stable two-factor solution for the content scales. However, in Algerian male sample, the two-factor solution for the content scales were stable but the third factor (ego control) in the validity and clinical scales was not stable.

Mots clés: Assessment- Personality- Internal structure – cross-cultural – Arabic MMPI-2