Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 9-22

Literary Translation: Between Rendering And Transferring

Authors : Salah Bouregbi .


Is it easy to render a creative text from its source language to a target language? Are we able to preserve its soul and core and magnificence through our transfer? Is what we read, as a translated literature, a literature that preserves all the formulaic and thematic concerns of the original text? In other words, are we able to keep the semantic and stylistic equivalences of a translated text? In rendering the text to one’s own language we reproduce, add and omit, thus we betray the author and his text. What is very paradoxical in translation is that some translators lean more to translation as an end, but not as a process of transferring meaning. Such concentration on the product more than on the mechanics of translating the meaning of the original excludes any clear-cut evaluation of translation as a product. The renderings of Omar Khayyam, Racine and Lorca into English are very Illustrative.


Literary Translation; Transfer; Literature; Language; Text