أبحاث قانونية وسياسية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 922-939

The Social And Legal Trends Of Prostitution Worldwide: An Overview

Authors : Chiheb Adel . Azzouzi Abdelmalek .


Prostitution, the exchange of sexual services for payment, has sparked a debate over its regulation, broadly categorized into two positions: abolitionism and legalization. Abolitionism seeks to end prostitution by criminalizing all aspects of the sex trade, including buying and selling sexual services. Proponents argue that prostitution, inherently exploitative, reinforces patriarchal norms and should not be legalized. Conversely, legalization advocates for the decriminalization of the entire sex trade, emphasizing improved safety and health protections for sex workers, reduced risk of violence and exploitation, increased access to healthcare and social services, and greater regulation and control of the industry. The debate reflects varying perspectives on the nature and the effects of prostitution and the role of the state and society in regulating or combating it.


Prostitution, Abolitionism, Legalization, Prohibition, Decriminalization.