المجلة الجزائرية للاتصال
Volume 10, Numéro 19, Pages 27-50

Developmental Communication Typology Revisited :modernization "tout Azimute"

Authors : Abderrahmane Azzi .


Lately, Post-Modernization and Neo-Modernization theories presented a novel outlook of development and called for adaptation of communication technologies in different social -cultural contexts. I argue in this paper that theoretically, infusion of culture and technology is a necessary condition for meaningful development as postulated by Bennabi. However, the current state of objective development in the muslim context shows that development and thus modernization is moving in all directions (tout azimut) regardless of the existing traditions or religion. That is, traditions and religion are neither obstacles for development as early developmental theories argued for many years nor are they currently engines for generating energy required for meaningful development and civilization. That is, traditions and religionare in current reality neutral factors. This does not exclude the fact that they may become major agents of change and civilizational development as Bennabi advocated in his numerous writings


Development, Neo-Modernization theories, Modernization