Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 197-216

دراسة عيادية تشخيصية للمرضى المصابين بداء الثعلبة داء الصلع

الكاتب : سبع هاجيرة .


This study is the study of psychological clinical care about the topic of alopecia which is known disease of baldness, a psychosomatic skin diseases, it appears in the form of patches, smooth and moist without hair, a autoimmune disease, unaware of the real causes so bring him doctors to the psychological factor, and this study focused on Ptchkas through the process psychological examination in order to detect psychological factorization, and the characteristics of those infected, the psychological repercussions resulting from it. The field study showed that family conflicts and psychological suffering, and the pressures of professional, psychological trauma and anxiety all the tensions Awamla psychological exciting this disease, either features Walsh Intestate is represented in the sense of guilt, thoughts ruminate, in the lack of confidence in oneself and in others, either psychological repercussions, we find people with different cases suffer from social isolation, lack of acceptance appearance, poor psychological and social compatibility.

الكلمات المفتاحية

psychological clinical ; alopecia; family conflicts