Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 87-110
الكاتب : الأبيض رضا .
The novel as the opposite of terrorism: “Oh Mary!” to Sinane Antoine as a case in study. Two months after the 9/11 attacks, Don Di Lillo wrote that, once again, the world history has become in the hands of terrorists. This opinion might be influenced by the repercussions of violence and destruction on the American nation that has never before witnessed something like this, since the Independence War. Don Di Lillo’s point of view can be considered true when looked at from the perspective of terrorism as a concept of killing and eradication. This, indeed, threatens the human being’s history and the notion of “a world as an process of consciousness about freedom”. Actually, terrorism is the opposite of freedom, life, and the existence of the human being; whether as an individual or as a group. And despite the modernity of the terminology, the phenomenon of “terrorism” is ancient/remote in time (1795). In fact, many studies have shown the paradoxical nature of the relationship between terrorism and art because freedom, ambition and beauty are the very heart of creativity/innovation. Novelists, in particular, have had an important say on that issue and a “dangerous” role as well. This is going to be the focus of this study that deals with the novel “Oh Mary!”; a text written by the Iraqi author Simone Antoine in 2011 . It is meant to depict the human coexistence before Iraq’ submission to a tribal and ethnic extermination/cleansing under the umbrella of the Islamist ideology. The reason that has resulted in broadening the scope of murder and deportation
Novel; terrorism; Antoine Sinan; O Mary
قمراوي عز الدين
ص 48-79.