مجلة السوسيولسانيات وتحليل الخطاب
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 8-23

المسار السُّوسيولساني وبُنى التّأسيس من "أنطوان مييه" إلى "وليام لابوف"

الكاتب : جيلالي طاهر .


Abstract: The article traces the origins of sociolinguistics that goes back to “Antoine Millet”, who was interested in speech after “De Saussure” neglected it. It also depicts the development of this science with researchers who contributed to the formation of its current image, pointing to the systematic difference between internal and external linguistics, as well as the terminological difference between tongue and speech. After determining the distress that afflicted the subject of linguistics, The article presents the detente offered by sociolinguistics by defining its subject, and addressing the formal and social aspects of the tongue according to a social methodology that is concerned with the various issues that fall under its banner.

الكلمات المفتاحية

سوسيولسانيات – لسانيات داخلية – لسانيات خارجية – لسان - كلام