Algerian Journal of Management Sciences
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 1-17

Social Learning And Cybercrime In Nigeria: A Soft Systems Methodology Approach

Authors : Andem Francis . Ayandele Isaac . Ogosi Francis . Inwang Rupert .


Social learning is still useful in explaining criminal behaviour. Cybercrime is on the increase in Nigeria, with a 537 per cent growth in attacks on commercial banks alone in 2017. Cybercrime in Nigeria is heterogeneous; therefore, cybercrime studies interest policymakers, businesses, and researchers. This study used the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to assess cybercrime in Nigeria within the framework of social learning. SSM revealed incentives for cybercrime and actions needed for cybercrime deterrence. Some incentives revealed in the study include poor family religious attitude, unemployment, poor law enforcement capabilities, poor legal framework, and victims’ vulnerabilities. Incentives create a favourable environment for cybercrime growth. We found that improved government actions in legislation, law enforcement, and socio-economic conditions will lead to cybercrime deterrence. Further findings revealed that an improvement in awareness, knowledge, and information on cybercrime will reduce victims’ vulnerability to cybercriminal attacks. We conclude that SSM can provide a holistic method for solving the cybercrime problem in Nigeria. It brings out definitive actions to be taken by actors toward cybercrime deterrence in Nigeria. We recommend the use of SSM in solving unstructured cybercrime problems in Nigeria


Learning ; Cybercrime ; Systems Thinking ; Action ; Deterrence