افاق للعلوم
Volume 8, Numéro 4, Pages 356-370
Authors : Benayad Narimane . Berini Dahmane .
Globalization is a concept which, apart from its multiple definitions, describes the characteristics of the current stage of the development of international relations rather than introducing a new theory or perspective to understand the mechanisms of this development. It is a composite concept which is essentially a study of the nature of developments which affect international relations in their economic, social, cultural and political dimensions at the present stage and their impact on the trends of this development in the future. The current stage has witnessed a series of radical changes in the world system in general, especially in the world economic system, which heralded the beginning of a globalized economic system characterized by different aspects and tendencies.
Economic globalization ; Financial Globalization ; Banking Liberalization
Tawfiq Addadi
Boumediene Filali
Cherifa Djaadi
pages 433-450.
بوسالم أبو بكر
المزاودة رياض
ص 158-171.
Kaci Chaouch Titem
Amokrane Abdellaziz
pages 1269-1282.
Kerzabi Dounya
Benbouziane Mohamed
pages 59-68.