افاق للعلوم
Volume 8, Numéro 3, Pages 494-506
Authors : Khouatra Samia .
The documentary credit agreement plays its role in facilitating international foreign trade operations, particularly maritime trade, in addition to the credit process obtained from the issuing bank, and taking into account the multiplicity of actors in the documentary credit process, since this mechanism is governed by international rules that are considered a model to be followed for the adoption of national texts in the context of the implementation of contracts. types, and the system of united international rules and customs, thus constitutes the status of documentary credit as a means of ensuring the performance of obligations arising from the contract of international commercial transactions.
Keyword: The documentary credit agreement, Legal nature, Foreign trade.
Derrahi Ibtissame
pages 45-59.
Zekiri Abedelmadjid
Jamoussi Saousan
pages 254-273.