مجلة الاستاذ الباحث للدراسات القانونية والسياسية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 2143-2153

The Protection Of Environment In Tourism Legislation

Authors : Aissa Zahia .


The tourism sector in many countries is an important source for the national economy through the hard currency it generates with the important flows of tourist groups, and the practice of tourism activity is subject to an important legal system. Many countries tried to control this sector for the benefit of the state, considering tourism as a positive source for it. Tourism may pose a threat to the environment through the massive influxes of tourist groups, in various forms such as pollution of tourist sites, greater exploitation of energy, exploitation of areas and real estate to implement tourism projects at the expense of the environment, all these data led countries to include in their tourism legislation guarantees intended to protect the environment, and the source of those guarantees are multiples including national and international ones, which states adopt in their constitutions and legislations to protect the environment. This research comes to explain the guarantees of environmental protection in tourism legislation.


tourism ; law ; environment ; hostel ; travel agency