مجلة إقتصاد المال والأعمال
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 575-590

Contemporary Triangular Trade And Comparative Advantage

Authors : Benslimane Najib . Bourahla Miloud .


Abstract: The international trade relationships have known progress in terms of concepts, the most important of which is the triangular trade, starting from the slavery triangular trade form, reaching what it represents nowadays, especially in electronic industries, with a focus on the (USA-ASIAN-Japan) trade collaboration. As study objective, exploring its mechanisms helps to evaluate how such collaborative trade can impact the countries-partners economies especially, on improving each country trade balance and which Algeria might take benefits from if becoming a partner. By using a descriptive approach, the study tries to measure the strength of the relationships between countries that collaborate in form of triangular trade. The study concludes that there are strong correlations between imports and exports of the countries-partners.


international trade ; Triangular Trade ; Comparative Advantage ; (USA-ASIAN-Japan) Trade Collaboration ; Trade Balance