Courrier du Savoir scientifique et technique
Volume 11, Numéro 11, Pages 47-60
Auteurs : Himeur Mohamed . Guenfoud Mohamed .
We present a new plate bending triangular finite element. It is developed in perspective to building shell elements. Its formulation uses concepts related to the deformation approach, the fourth fictitious node, the static condensation and analytic integration. It is based on the assumptions of the theory of thin plates (Kirchhoff theory). The approach has resulted in a bending plate finite element (HIMEUR) competitive, robust and efficient.
Finite element, Strain formulation, analytical integration, static condensation, thin plate
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Belarbi M.t
Bourezane M
pages 117-123.
Belarbi Mohamed-ouejdi
Tati Abdelouahab
Khechai Abdelhak
Ounis Houdayfa
pages 1-7.
Raka Tabassum Mahzabeen
Amanat Khan Mahmud
pages 83-91.