IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 117-129

La Traduction Automatique Dans L'enseignement Des Langues : Le Cas De I'article, Du Genre Et Du Temps

Auteurs : Ghenimi Abdelouafi .


In modern teaching of languages, didacticians are unanimous that the error made by the learner is not perceived any more as the silly thing to blame and to sanction. On the contrary, it is analyzed, questioned on its origins, its causes and on the methods of not only to correct it but also and especially to draw some lessons from it in order not to be reproduced any more by this learner or his colleagues. In other words, it is exploited at didactic means. In machine translation, the errors produced by the machine are not very different from those made by the beginners in foreign languages learning. They can thus be exploited as well as those made by the learner himself, and perhaps, opens more ambitious prospects in this sense. From examples of certain categories of errors produced by the machine, I show how they can illustrate linguistic contrasts between different languages when describing the same reality. This permits to predict with exactitude which parts of the structure of the language will present difficulties for the learners and then to prepare a strategy to mitigate these difficulties. The categories of errors I chose concern particularly those relative to the use of the article, the gender and tense.

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