مجلة سيميائيات
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 17-31

Is It Lewis Carrol Experiment On Language That Makes Alice's Adventure In Wonderland A Book For Grown'ups

Authors : Garbuglia Andrea .


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has been viewed in two completely different ways: on the one hand it has been the favourite book for chilfren, on the other hand it has been an inexhausible font of quotation for philoqophers and linguists. Therefore, the book in n longer considered only as a book for children, but also as an application of lewis Carroll's theories on language and communication. Martin Gardner, in the introduction of his The Anotated 1960, suggests that now, even in England, it is difficult to find a child under fifteen who can enjoy reding Alice's books more than The Wind in Willows or The Wizard of Oz: the reason is that Alice has stopped deing a "schoolgirl" and has become a "schoolmistress".


language -alice's adventure –linguists-schoolgirl-schoolmistress