في الترجمة
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 104-123
Auteurs : Barsoum Yasmine .
Terminology, which is a science related to other fields of Language Sciences, is nowadays of a major importance in shaping students to become future terminographers-translators. During their studies, the learners face several issues resulting from the teaching of bilingual terminology. From the analysis of these issues, we will attempt, in this research, to suggest some methodological processes based on our professional experience, in order to insure a better transmission of the lecture’s content. Finally, we will make some recommendations in order to try to improve the teaching-learning process of bilingual terminology.
Terminographers-Translators - Teaching of Bilingual Terminology - Learning Issues - Didactical Reflections - Methodological Processes
موسى عبد الله
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Ngala Ndzi Bernard
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Ould Benali Naima
Boukerchi Lamia
Cortier Claude
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