Volume 5, Numéro 3, Pages 414-431

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence For Educational Innovation: Enhancing Learning Outcomes And Teaching Practices

Authors : Bouchareb Amani . Ghedir Hafsa .


The fast growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides a significant opportunity to change education by possibly altering teaching and learning methods. This research examines how AI tools, like intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive learning platforms, can boost personalized and engaging learning experiences. It centers on topics such as an assessment of effectiveness, fair access, and support for educators. Through qualitative document analysis of various reports, scholarly articles, and case studies, the research determines that AI-powered personalized learning platforms better student involvement and academic results, and increase operational effectiveness through automation and predictive analytics. However, certain challenges such as ethical issues, data protection, security, and bias in algorithms need to be faced with strong data rules and continuous supervision. The research also highlights the significance of full training and support for educators, along with the use of the most effective methods for integrating AI which involves stakeholders' inclusion, repetitive testing, and approaches specific to context. Although AI has a lot of potential value, successful use requires taking into account ethical and practical issues to maximize its advantages.


adaptive learning ; artificial intelligence ; educational innovation ; personalized learning

Harnessing The Power Of Artificial Intelligence: Applications In Academic Library Information Services

مبرمج اقدم مواهب عبد الرسول سلمان الزيدي . 
pages 78-85.