Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 36-48

Monster Or Hero: A Post-apocalyptic View In Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend

Authors : Maafa Sofiane .


Human beings are designed to be surviving creatures. They will simply do whatever it takes to survive. However, as much as they are hell-bent on surviving, humans are also strangely fascinated with the concept of the end; that the world hosting us will one day cease to exist. In fact, this bizarre fascination with the end of the world goes way back in history where ancient civilizations expressed their remarkable views regarding the apocalypse. The Mayans, for instance, foresaw the apocalypse thousands of years ago, where their calendar ended in 2012. Agitated, many people around the world were closely anticipating the major event in 2012. The world did not come to an end in 2012, yet many people are still expecting it to happen anytime soon. People’s fascination with the end of the world has also been reflected in through their literature. Richard Matheson’s I am Legend (1954) is a good example of post-apocalyptic literature. In the current article, the author shall start with setting the stage by talking about the philosophy of the post-apocalypse. Then, the author shall move on to analyze the post-apocalyptic views in Richard Matheson’s novel I am Legend. In the end, the author shall culminate with the feasibility of the post-apocalyptic scenario in the novel, together with other possible scenarios in the world of literature.


Apocalypse ; Post-apocalypse ; Survivalism ; I am Legend ; Human Civilization