مجلة البحوث التربوية والتعليمية
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 29-44

Teaching Argumentative Writing Through Reading Argumentative Texts: The Case Of The Teachers Of Writing At The Teachers Training School Of Assia Djabar, Constantine

Authors : Kiouche Nedjoua . Beghoul Youcef .


This paper aims at gaining insight on the Writing teachers at the training school-Assia Djebar-Constantine perceptions of using argumentative texts to teach argumentative essay, and the influence it has on their students’ written argumentative discourse. The study uses a questionnaire to collect data to answer three main questions: Do teachers use argumentative reading to teach argumentative writing? Do teachers emphasize the writer-reader interaction in teaching reading and argumentative essay? And how does reading argumentative texts affect positively the students’ written production? The study reveals the teachers’ use of argumentative texts in their writing class and their major focus on the pattern of organization and arguments where its positive effects are reflected in students’ argumentative essays.


Reading-Writing Relationship ; Argumentative Texts ; Argumentative Writing ; Writer-Reader Interaction ; Critical Reading