Revue Algérienne des Sciences du Langage
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 101-110

Teaching Translation: Exploring The Interplay Of Pedagogical And Didactic Frameworks

Authors : Djemmah Fatiha .


Abstract Discussing teaching, regardless of its type, inevitably leads us to talk about the two fundamental pillars upon which it relies: pedagogy and didactics. Through this article, we aim to explore the pedagogical and didactics frameworks of teaching translation, drawing on the opinions of some translation scholars in educational publications related to this field, along with the conditions that should be considered in teaching translation in general to achieve the desired goals of training in translation specialty. Our goal is to highlight critical considerations for translation instructors in Algeria, guiding them to reassess translation training programs and enhance teaching methodologies by incorporating strategic pedagogical and didactics insights.


Teaching translation ; pedagogical framework ; didactics framework ; educational publications ; conditions for teaching translation ; translation didactics lesson ; teaching improvement