مجلة الدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 609-618

Toward An Expanded Concept Of Force Majeure: The Call To Renegotiate The International Trade Contract

Authors : Mouka Abdelkrim .


The practice of arbitral jurisprudence in the field of international commercial contracts has created a new concept of force majeure through the modification of the legal consequences of the contract due to changing circumstances on the contract, in order to preserve the stability and continuity of performance of the contractual clauses and to respect the principle of binding force of the contract, Parties resort to the modification of force majeure provisions through contractual requirements by which they seek to adapt the contract and adapt it to changing circumstances, and this power may also be granted to the arbitrator in order to save the contract.


Force majeure ; hardship ; international commercial contract ; contract adaptation ; arbitrator ; renegotiation