Cahiers de Traduction
Volume 30, Numéro 1, Pages 07-15

Generative Ai Or The Doom Of Translation As We Know It?

Authors : Bezzaoucha Ilhem .


Generative AI, particularly exemplified by sophisticated language models like OpenAI's GPT, has revolutionized natural language processing (NLP), offering a plethora of advancements in various linguistic tasks, including translation. However, its integration into translation studies has ushered in a spectrum of challenges and opportunities, each warranting meticulous examination. • Consider: the deployment of AI-powered translation services by global tech companies like Google and Microsoft, which have significantly streamlined the translation process for users worldwide. • The emergence of specialized AI translation tools for industries such as healthcare and legal services underscores the potential for AI to address domain-specific linguistic challenges. • Research initiatives exploring the ethical dimensions of AI in translation, such as initiatives to mitigate biases in AI training data or ensure the privacy of translated content, exemplify the interdisciplinary collaboration within translation studies.


generative ai ; challenges ; opportunities