مجلة دراسات في الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمال
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 365-384

Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Baridimob Application In Algeria : An Anlaysis Using The Technologie Acceptance Model

Authors : Toubal Ibtissem . Benmahamed Houda .


This study aims to examine factors influencing the adoption of Baridimob Application in Algeria. A conceptual model was constructed based on the Technology Acceptance Model. The study utilized a survey approach, gathering 210 valid questionnaires from individuals who possess EDAHABIA electronic payment cards and have experience with the Baridimob Application. The collected data will undergo quantitative analysis using a statistical testing tool grounded in CB-SEM (Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling). The results of the study shown that : - Perceived usefullness have a significant positif effect on the attitude toward using Baridimob Application. - Attitude toward using and perceived usefullness have no significant positif effect on the behavioral intention to use Baridimob Application - Perceived ease of use has no significant positif effect on the attitude toward using Baridimob Application. - Perceived ease of use has no significant positif effect on perceived usefullness using Baridimob Application.


TAM ; Perceived Ease Of Use ; Perceived Usefulness ; Attitude To Use ; Behavioral Intention To Use ; Baridimob Application

E-postal Services Adoption Factors - The Case Study Of Baridimob -

Dahmani Redha .  Chebbah Rachid .  Sekiou Anwar .  بوزكري جمال . 
pages 315-334.