مجلة الرسالة للدراسات الإعلامية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 100-108

Reality Television And Cultural Education Of The Child A Study In Dimensions And Effects

Authors : Djabri Sara . Idiou Leila .


The rapid development of the media has led to a tendency to take advantage of this development in all areas.In the present, in which we live in the era of information and globalization, it has become necessary to teach individuals to survive and live in a competitive world, because the methods and technology of education and education are evolving and changing, and here comes the role of Mass Communication Media. And this study deals with an important medium, which is television, and it deals with a very sensitive category, which is children, as it combines the programs broadcast by this medium and what the child acquires from culture by watching them. Television is one of the means that has become the most important in the field of cultural and knowledge communication between nations and Peoples, which has made the world a small village by publishing real-time news and events without any time or spatial hindrance.While children are the kit of the future, the hope of a promising tomorrow, who possess characteristics and characteristics that differ from one age stage to another. And as the child grows and grows up, he relies on exploration and research of what exists, and inquiring about what does not exist, through various sources, the most important of which is television, which has become the first competitor of the family and school.Thanks to its channels and programs, the child is given ideas and information that gain him a certain culture, and therefore he realizes what exists, and satisfies his cognitive needs through this effective means, voice and image.


Reality ; Reality television ; television ; cultural ; cultural education ; child