دراسات فنية
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 14-25

A Literary Analysis Of Cognitive Dissonance In The “dragon Age” (2009-2014) Video Game Series

Authors : Messaoudi Merwan .


This study offers an inquiry into the emergence of cognitive dissonance within video games. By examining the dissonance between gameplay mechanics and narrative exposition, and the influence of player agency on moral deliberations, this study illuminates the immersive capacity of video games to submerge players in intricate ethical quandaries. "Dragon Age" (2009-2014) emerges as an example challenging players to face the implications of their decisions and battle with the intricacies of morality. By offering diverse paths for resolving conflicts and endowing players with consequential decision-making authority, the series provides invaluable insights into the potential of video games as a medium for navigating moral ambiguity and fostering astute contemplation of ethical dilemmas.


Cognitive-dissonance ; Videogames ; Moral decision-making ; Ethical dilemmas