افاق للعلوم
Volume 8, Numéro 4, Pages 171-191

An Investigation Into The Effects Of Intertextuality As A Transactional Process Of Reading On L2 Learners’ Engagement With Literary Texts

Authors : Guerroudj Amel . Hadjoui Ghouti .


This study aims to examine intertextuality as L2 readers drew upon prior knowledge and relevant experience in provoking cognitive, behavioural and emotional engagement and literary interpretation of a short story. Data were collected using literary response questionnaires and journal entries from a sample of Algerian Postgraduate English learners. Analysis of questionnaires data revealed participants’ willingness to engage, thereby supporting the hypothesis that intertextuality accounted for positive changes in the three aspects of engagement. Further evidence demonstrated deep involvement and evaluation reflecting with high regard their emotional, moral and critical stances toward literary text.


engaged reading:, transaction:, intertextuality