Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 199-213

Business Turnaround Through Planned Behavior: The National Rail Transport Company As A Case Study

Authors : Makhloufi Meriem . Bektache Fatiha .


Companies have to measure, monitor and analyze their performance in order to be more successful and to adapt to rapid changes in the environment. They go through different means to ensure their maintenance and development. However, some questions exist about the ability or not of companies in general to understand their environment, to anticipate its evolutions and to plan their actions accordingly. In this article we will try to explain the behavior of companies in difficulty in an uncertainty environment, also see how we can reduce the latter by relying on the theory of planned behavior (AJZEN). Rail transport provides travelers and shippers with services that are competitive with other modes of transport in the territory, to meet a wide variety of needs. It is a key factor of competitiveness and attractiveness, on a national scale. It contributes to the reduction of social and territorial inequalities by ensuring the mobility of all. And this effect, we carried out a retrospective analysis of the last five years from 2016-2020 in order to better understand the behavior of the company in a situation of difficulty through the planned behavior. As a result, we can say that any strategic reflection is based on a general diagnosis of the company, then drawing up an action plan which brings together the recommendations, but the uncertainty environment contributes to the non-realization of the strategic plan.


Business environment; Planned behavior; Business recovery plan