Cahiers de Traduction
Volume 28, Numéro 1, Pages 85-101

The Problem Of Translating The Economic Term In The Book Of: “why Nations Fail: The Origins Of Power, Prosperity And Poverty” By James Robinson & Daron Acimoglu

Authors : Brahna Anissa . Benaouda Adila .


This paper aims to address problems encountered by the translator in the economic term through the book: “Why Nations Fail: the Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty” .The research also dealt with the most important previous studies that dealt with economic terms through the last 10 years. On the theoretical side, we are considering the elements of the original text from a grammatical, morphological and semantic aspect. It helped us understand the terms more in their context, and it helped us overcome of the difficulties of the translation it, such as, translation in the sense and interpretive translation as required by the necessity to improve the translation and its output. We try in the applied side. We describe the different methods of translation including example analysis and breakdown where we defied the terms to facilitate the process of comprehension in the economic term through the book.


Economic ; Term ; Translation ; English ; Arabic