المجلة الجزائرية للمخطوطات
Volume 18, Numéro 2, Pages 369-395

القاضي عياض؛ وتمثيله للمذهب المالكي

الكاتب : مولى الخلوة مصطفى .


القاضي عياض- رحمه الله - من أئمّة وقته في المذهب المالكي؛ أصولاً وفقهاً، وكذا في الحديث وفقهه وغريبه، ومشكله ومختلفه، وصحيحه وسقيمه، وعِلَلِهِ وحفظ رجاله ومتونه، وجميع أنواع علومه- كما ذكر ذلك ابنه في التّعريف- وامتاز بالضّبط والتّحقيق، وامتاز بحسّه النّقدي. وقد ذكره أبو الوليد بن الدبّاغ في الطّبقة الثّانية عشرة من المحدِّثين في كتابه. ويكفي أن يذكر في شيوخه أعلام زمانه، مثل: أبي عليّ الجيّاني وأبي عليّ الصّدفي... وخير دليل على ذلك مؤلّفاته التي تعدّ شاهدا على رسوخ قدمه في هذه الفنون التي ألّف فيها. Judge Iyad, may God rest his soul, is one of the imams of his time in the Maliki doctrine, as well as his son in the definition, as well as in the hadith, his jurisprudence and his strangeness, his problem and various, true and sterile, god and the preservation of his men and his duress, and all kinds of his sciences - as mentioned by his son in the definition - and excellent exactly and investigative, and characterized by his critical sense. Abu al-Walid ibn al-Dabbagh mentioned him in the 12th class of modernists in his book. It is enough to mention in his elders the flags of his time, such as: Abu Ali al-Jiani and Abu Ali al-Sadfi... The best evidence of this is his works, which are a testament to the firmness of his feet in these arts in which he was composed

الكلمات المفتاحية

القاضي عياض؛ المذهب المالكي؛ الضّبط؛ التّحقيق؛ المخرج الفقهي