Revue Les Cahiers du POIDEX
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 615-628

Innovation Practices In The Agri-food Sector In The Wilaya Of Bejaia

Authors : Traki Dalila .


Our research work aims to highlight the organizational, structural and managerial failures of SMEs in the wilaya of Bejaia in the face of innovation. The objective was to demonstrate how these companies should adopt this innovation, what would be the changes that should be made in the face of this new data. Unbeknownst to our empirical study carried out with 18 companies located in the areas of the wilaya of Bejaia, we concluded that innovation is a complex and conversational process in which a multitude of actors intervene. These companies lag behind in terms of innovation. Jel Classification Codes:


Innovation ; Innovation practices ; Bejaia ; Agri-food sector