Cahiers de Traduction
Volume 26, Numéro 1, Pages 723-742

The Impact Of Ideological Constraints On Media Translation

Authors : Saada Hana .


Culture, power, and most importantly, ideology- related questions are among today’s most problematic issues, and they are being widely discussed worldwide. This study aims at investigating the impact of the ideological constraints on media translation. It tests the hypothesis that hidden ideologies in news texts are changed/re-presented (or maintained) when translated into another target culture, taking into account the socio-cultural practices followed by news institutions as well as the culture and orientations of the receptors. It also investigates strategies and techniques adopted by news translators to overcome those difficulties. To do this, a corpus of 5 examples relating to Palestine, Egypt, UAE and France, are examined to identify the ideological representation, alterations happening through translation and the techniques adopted to produce an ideology-laden translation. The cultural turn approach will be applied in this study. The findings indict the TTs have been ideologically mediated in a way that is completely different from the STs and conform to the news organizations’ political and ideological leanings. This resulted in reformulating a different Arabic version from the original, resorting to a range of strategies proposed by Lefevere.


Ideology ; Translation ; Media ; Media Translation ; Ideological Constraints ; Cultural Turn Approach ; Lefevere