الوقاية والأرغنوميا
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 8-23

الإدراك الارجونومي كمدخل لتطوير تعليم تصميم الأثاث Ergonomical Perception As An Entry To Furniture Design Education

الكاتب : وائل محمد جليل محمد جليل .


يهدف هذا البحث إلى وضع رؤية منهجية يتم من خلالها إكساب الطالب القدرة على التصميم الأرجونومي الجيد من خلال بناء الإدراك الأرجونومي لديه عبر مستويات تعليمه الجامعي، وتهتم محاور البحث بتحديد مفهوم الإدراك الارجونومي وانعكاسه على مراحل تعليم تصميم الأثاث، وكذلك مستويات ربط تعليم التصميم بالإدراك الارجونومي (المعرفة - الفهم – التطبيق – الإبداع)، واعتبارات دمج المحتوى الارجونومي في تعليم التصميم ( بناء الإدراك الارجونومي لدى طالب تصميم الأثاث)، وقد توصل البحث إلى وضع رؤية منهجية للإدراك الارجونومي كمدخل لتطوير تعليم تصميم الأثاث بالاستعانة بمستويات الادراك الارجونومي والتي هدفت إلى استنباط كيفية تحقيق الإدراك الأرجونومي عبر المستويات الدراسية التخصصية. Abstract: Ergonomical Perception as an Entry to Furniture Design Education Dr. Wael Mohamed Galil Mohamed Galil Assistant Professor – Department of Furniture and Metal Constructions Faculty of Applied Arts – Helwan University Egypt The ergonomical dimension is considered a major pillar in teaching furniture designing. We must differentiate between the existence of agronomics in most educational curriculums in the departments that teach furniture design; and the education based on agronomics perception which formulate these relationships in a more specialized form that has a comprehensive vision built on a number of objectives achieved by finding the educational systems that share the same goals that -in total- can obtain the integrated system of a good agronomical furniture design. In general, perception represents the understanding of the agitators; and building experiences, as it includes both receiving and understanding the agitator, it provides the brain with the information, internal and external changes to perform its functions efficiently. While the educational perception – as presented by Bloom – is the perception based on specific informative and creative levels, it has been classified in 6 levels, then it was amended to be 4 levels that start with the knowledge level, the understanding level then the application level, after that comes the fourth level which is the creative level. That is why this research builds its main assumption on the basis that establishing a methodological vision of agronomical perception as an entry of developing the education of designing furniture, requires deriving a number of objectives and educational means that are able to achieve agronomical perception, noting that the stages of building and forming the student’s perception of agronomics and its needs of tools and means, is considered a major challenge that must be taken into consideration while putting together this vision. Based on this, this research aims to help students acquire the ability of a good agronomical design by building up their agronomical perception during the levels of university education, which demands inducing some developments in the curriculums taught to students, as well as the educational tools and means used. Then the methods of managing the educational curriculums must be developed with the intention of achieving the integration between them, to create a complete method that enables reaching the agronomical understanding and creativity in furniture designing. To achieve the objective of this research, it has been divided into three main pivots. The first one is concerned with the concept of the agronomical perception and its reflection on the levels of furniture designing education. While the second one, discusses the levels of connection between the design education and agronomical perception (knowing and understanding – application – creativity). The research ends with the third pivot that presents a suggested vision to integrate the agronomical content in design education (creating an agronomical perception within the student of furniture design).

الكلمات المفتاحية

الإدراك الارجونومي، تطوير ، تعليم ، تصميم ، الأثاث