مجلة معهد العلوم الإقتصادية
Volume 24, Numéro 2, Pages 797-818

The Impact Of Good Human Resource Management Practices (ghrmp) In Reducing Hidden Costs And Improving The Overall Performance Of Organizations - Iris Case Study

Authors : Mahloul Zakaria . Bentayeb Ali .


Abstract: This study aims to highlight the impact of good practices of human resource management on reducing hidden costs and improving global performance of enterprises. To achieve the goal of this study, we have selected one of the largest production companies in Setif, IRIS Company for electronics and household appliances. The study found a positive relationship between good human resource management practices and hidden costs in this company, and showed that good human resource management practices contribute to creating added value for IRIS by converting hidden costs into performance.


Good practices of human resources management ; Hidden costs ; Organizational dysfunctions ; Human behaviors ; Company structures