مجلة منارات لدراسات العلوم الاجتماعية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 73-85

Development And Validation Of The Dysgraphia Scale Of Bouzid Saliha (dsbs) Among Primary School Pupils

Authors : Saad Elhadj Bendjakhdel . Guendouz Mahmoud .


Dysgraphia Scale of BOUZID Saliha (DSBS) is one of the most used tools for measuring writing difficulties for primary school pupils in Algeria. It was and still is used in researches, and there is a lack of psychometric studies conducted on it. So the current study came as an attempt for validation and re-standardization this tool, and amends it to fit the development of dysgraphia's scientific studies. After selecting a sample of 191 pupils. We made some necessary adjustments on the tool by re-dividing its items according to three aspects. In addition, we used the coefficients system, and adopting three levels of graphical input instead of the only level adopted in the original version. To check the effectiveness of this scale and the modifications that brought about it, we calculated the face validity by presenting the scale to a group of 15 experts, all of whom agreed -with a high rate of 83%- which the aspects re-divided by us, fit with their items. As for the texts, we obtained high agreement rates exceeded 87%. This makes them suitable materials for the dysgraphia evaluation scale. The researcher strengthened his confidence in the scale validity by calculating the Spearman's correlation coefficient for the grades of items weights; its value is estimated at 0.80, which indicates the relationship between the ranks is high. Therefore, its discrimination index is strong. As for Reliability, it was confirmed by calculating the internal consistency value of the scale, with a relatively moderate value for alpha (α) coefficient equal to 0.58. The stability coefficient of scale was confirmed by retest after 10 days, on the same previous sample, where the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the two tests was 0.76.


Learning Disabilities ; Dysgraphia Scale ; Psychometrics