مجلة البشائر الاقتصادية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 925-940

E-management As A Mechanism To Improve The Educational ‎service Quality In Algerian ‎universities During Covid-19: An ‎applied Study At Saida University‎

Authors : Moulai Amar . Yazid Kada .


This study aims to identify the contribution of e-management ‎‎‎on improving the ‎‎educational service quality in Algerian Universities during COVID-19. To achieve ‎the ‎objectives of this study, the descriptive analytical method was adopted and ‎conducting a ‎practical study at Saida ‎‎University by distributing an ‎electronic‏ ‏‏questionnaire to PhD ‎students.‎ The results of the study found‏ ‏that there is a statistically significant impact of e-‎‎‎management (as a whole) on improving ‎‎the ‎educational ‎‎service quality. Moreover, ‎the ‎stepwise regression ‎‎resulted in formulating two models to ‎predict the ‎‎‎relationship ‎between ‎‎‎e-management and educational service quality. The first ‎‎model ‎‎depended on one variable ‎‎‏)‏communication networks ‏(which ‎alone ‎explained ‎‎34.6% of ‎‎the variance in educational ‎service quality‏ ‏at the ‎University. ‎However, ‎the second ‎‎model ‎was based on both ‎‎‏)‏communication networks and ‎computer ‎hardware‏(‏‎, which ‎‎together ‎explained 38.5% of ‎the ‎variance in‏‎ educational service ‎‎quality at Saida ‎‎University.‎


E-management ‎ ; Service quality ‎ ; Educational service quality ‎ ; Computer hardware ‎ ; Communication ‎networks‎