Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 91-117

A Multi-dimensional Study To Assess The Impact Of Communication Strategies Training On Enhancing Efl Learners’ Strategic Competence

Authors : Hadjab Soumia . Hamitouche Fatiha .


Communication strategies (CSs) have been conceptualized as problem-shooting devices whose conscious implementation is directed towards counteracting the imbalance between learners’ means and ends.To raise EFL learners’ awareness about the use and usefulness of CSs and assess the impact of explicit CSs training on enhancing learners’ strategic competence are the main objectives of the current study. An interventionist strategy-based instruction was conducted at the Department of English Language and Literature, Sétif 2 University. An intact group of thirty Senior learners (25 girls and 5 boys) were randomly divided into a treatment group (N=15) and a comparison one (N=15). A self-report strategy questionnaire was developed to investigate CSs employed by learners and to explore their perceptions of the use and usefulness of each CS. A focused two-way task was used to depict learners’ actual performance. And to have in-depth information of their learning processes, Stimulated Recall was utilized.Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test was used to analyze data gathered from the self-report strategy checklist. And ‘Typological Analysis’ was the procedure followed in analyzing students’ use of the seven taught achievement strategies. Green’s (1998) Recommendations for analyzing verbal protocal data were pursued. The results demonstrate that the experimental group outperformed the control one. Moreover, the study has yielded evidence to back the value of introducing explicit metacognitive strategy training in raising learners’ awareness about CSs.This scrutiny proves the efficacity and feasibility of the multi-dimensional perspective rather than the uni-dimensional one followed in many previous studies as it cements the weaknesses inherent in each research instrument.


Communication strategies ; Strategic competence ; CSs training ; Explicit method ; Multi-dimensional approach