مجلة الاجتهاد القضائي
Volume 9, Numéro 14, Pages 261-278

فعالية ترقية أخلاقيات الإشهارات التسويقية في حماية المستهلك من خلال أبعاد السياسة الجنائية للتشريع الجزائري

الكاتب : هواري معراج . بومدين بوداود .


Algerian legislature sought under cope with major shifts and opening the media's massive information and communications technologies to keep up with its acceleration and its direct impact on the attitudes of the Algerian consumer options and trying to put imposed limits on promotional activity for publicity within the approach to criminal policy does not aim to protect the rights holders of competition but also expanding to organize the message advertising spots according to the guidelines the ethics of this activity on the one hand and not to limit the perspectives of creativity and innovation in which the other hand, in order to ensure and achieve the principles of social criminal justice contemplated, and that the contents of the sources through a combination of national legal texts, and through the books of each support advertising conditions this along with the general provisions relating to circulate the use of the national language and the provisions of the Penal Code, and monitor respect for these limits practiced by the competent bodies like the old top for Media and ethics Council recently along with the judiciary, which ensures the implementation of laws, including the organization of an arbitrator to the form and content and methods of advertising spots broadcast messages. That is what we will try to study it by showing the dimensions and purposes of the criminal policy related to the ethics of advertising preventive and protective dimensions on the one hand and the Criminal Penal other.

الكلمات المفتاحية

advertising misleading or deceptive, penal policy, social justice, penal protection, consumer protection