An international, bi-annual, free and peer-reviewed journal published by the Research Center of the Islamic Sciences and Civilization Laghouat – Algeria. The journal focuses on publishing research and articles in the fields of Islamic, human and social sciences, it receives scientific research in the three languages: Arabic, English and French. It aims to: - Publish and encourage the production of researchers and scholars, including professors, researchers and doctoral students, especially research related to the cultural and social environment, regarding to Islamic sciences. – Promote scientific research in Islamic studies and Islamic heritage in general – Encourage intellectual studies, as well as studies in the field of comparative religion to achieve human dialogue and introduce Islam – Encourage jurisprudence, Quranic and hadith studies to serve intellectual issues, especially emerging ones – Encourage research in the fields of social and human sciences. The journal is committed to publish original research that fulfills the required academic conditions, and rejects what violates the ethics of scientific research and scientific integrity.
Nagy László
Prantner Zoltán
Al-naggar Abdallah Abdel-ati
Djabali Baha Eddine
Nfidsa Fatima
Merzoug Khaled
بيشي محمد عبد الحليم
العساف تمام عوده
بن مجغاية سعيد
المجولي معز
بن شيخ يوسف
محمد خرباش
حاج عيسى محمد
خليفة خليفة
قطاف كريمة
قريبيز محمد
مساعدي حسين
بالعالية زهرة
عثماني مرابط صوريا
عبد الحي عبد الحفيظ
قرطي لخضر
سرير محمد
بن سالم المسعود
بناصر حنيفي
بن عيسى إبتسام
يوسفي أمال
بن قاصير موسى
دخالة مسعود
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