Traduction et Langues
Volume 17, Numéro 2, Pages 8-17
Authors : Youcef Kouider .
This research is an attempt to investigate the applicability of the Relevance- Theoretic framework in the field of translation. Relevance Theory was developed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson; it is a theory of a cognitive communication that proposes a set of concepts that govern the process of intralingual interpretation of utterances and texts. Thus, we aim to explore the findings of Relevance Theory in studying the process of interpretation in translation at an interlingual level so as to see to what extent can the translator rely on Relevance Theory interpretation framework to provide the target reader with a translated text that realizes optimal relevance and contextual effects without making him expending unnecessary processing efforts.
Contextual Effects; interpretation; Optimal Relevance; Relevance; Processing Effort; Translation.
Benlakdar Meriam
pages 383-392.
Benlakdar Meriam
pages 241-259.
بن سلطان مريم
ص 335-346.
Sitjà Márquez Pau
pages 84-95.