دفاتر السياسة والقانون
Volume 10, Numéro 18, Pages 289-300

ضوابط نقل الاختصاص القضائي في الجرائم الإرهابية الدولية دراسة في اتفاقات التعاون القضائي والأمني

الكاتب : يسمينة لعجال .


The transfer of jurisdiction in terrorist offenses is one of the most important procedural mechanisms adopted by the judicial and security cooperation agreements. In order to overcome the problem of conflicts of jurisdiction between the Contracting States, Where it decided some substantive and procedural controls that lead to. Granting jurisdiction to the State in which the accused is found in a terrorist offense., This could be seen as a waiver of the jurisdiction of national criminal courts before foreign courts where the crime was committed

الكلمات المفتاحية

Criminal jurisdiction , terrorist crime, political crime, judicial cooperation, transfer of procedures.