Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 31-43

النهضة والإصلاح عند خير الدين التونسي

الكاتب : مجدي عزالدين حسن .


Abstract Renaissance and reform in Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi‘s Thought In the 19th century, Arab intellectuals began to question what they should be as intellectuals and thinkers about the realities of their societies under the fires of backwardness, ignorance, oppression and tyranny, and what they could take from the West to revive their societies. They also question what meaning they would remain Muslims if they were influenced by the West and borrowed from it. This research paper is an attempt to show how these questions, concerns and issues were expressed by themselves, through one of the most important symbols of the Arab Renaissance in the nineteenth century, the thinker and reformer Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi. The researcher used the critical analytical method to show how al-Tunisi dealt with these concerns and issues, and concluded that al-Tunisi tried to reconcile the ideas of modern Europe, and Islamic traditions. The reasons behind the delay and underdevelopment, as well as the reasons behind the renaissance and construction, were attributed to the nature of the political organizations. The essence of the problem is mainly political. The solution is to transform absolute power into a power restricted by law. He considers the supremacy of the West mainly due to its political system that guarantees personal liberty and political freedom and is restricted power by law. On the other hand, he consider the late East, including the Islamic countries, refer to the nature of its political systems based on tyranny and the confiscation of freedoms

الكلمات المفتاحية

Arab Renaissance ; reform ; Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi ; modern Europe ; Islamic traditions ; political organizations ; the late East