Annales de l’université d’Alger
Volume 32, Numéro 2, Pages 687-700

Husserls Phänomenologie Zwischen Metaphysik Und Religion: Zum Gottesbegriff

Auteurs : Bounafaka Nadia .


The transcendental ego, according to Husserl, is forced to ask for the last reason of its own legitimate world constitution. This last reason cannot be found in the natural factual causality, because everything objective goes back ultimately to the constitution of absolute consciousness. Moreover, this reason cannot also be found in the absolute consciousness itself, because the constitutive power of the absolute consciousness is also based on this reason. What remains is the possibility of a mental reason, which should not only be found in the outside world, but also beyond the absolute consciousness. Hence, Husserl calls in this way this reason, that is existing in itself, God.

Mots clés

The Phenomenological Epoché; the transcendental ego; World Constitution; static and genetic phenomenology.