Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 393-401

سؤال الميتافيزيقا عند هايدغر

الكاتب : بوبقرة الصادق .


Pre-Heidegger there is a long history of philosophical work in metaphysics ,but this date do not go in one line but it is a history of massing the orientations and different tendencies .Ever since Plato until Heidegger 's metaphysical search multiple platforms. However ,the classical metaphysics by Heidegger in all their diversity ,including a common link that they found metaphysics. It associated with that guide its inception in question is fundamental question of existence

الكلمات المفتاحية

Key words: Exsistence؛ METAPHYSIC؛ undermined؛ resurrect ؛ conception