لغة كلام
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 147-166

الاقتراض اللّغوي في ضوء التّواصل الحضاري بين العرب والفرس في القرن الثّاني الهجري

الكاتب : لعمري محمد .


One of the most easily observable results of intercultural contact and communication is the set of loanwords that is imported into the vocabulary of each language involved. The field of cultures and languages in contact has grown a great deal over the Second century. From the early studies, a 'Scale' or 'Index of Receptivity' has been posited for languages which more readily accept borrowings. Alongside that scale, a 'Scale of Adaptability' has been posited. The study of a language's adaptability and receptivity of borrowed words, especially those from arabic and Persian

الكلمات المفتاحية

Language Borrowing، Civilizational interaction، Persians، Arabs.