Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 65-77

أسلبة اللغة في الخطاب الشعري العربي المعاصر )مقاربة لبعض الظواهر الأسلوبية و الجمالية (

الكاتب : بوعيشة بوعمارة .


In this research, we present the different modalities followed by the contemporary Arab poet in the construction of its language and therefore in its poetic, and through certain stylistic phenomena, aesthetic, semantic and syntactic. This research examines all elements in the architecture of his poetic as the pronoun, the verb, the noun, adjective, verb phrases and noun phrases and different ways of saying what makes poetry a modern harmonization between the language and its construction

الكلمات المفتاحية

stylistic phenomena, aesthetic phenomena, the structure of the speech, poetic contemporary poetryالكلمات المفتاحية: ظواهر أسلوبية، ظواهر جمالية ، أسلبة اللغة ، بنية الخطاب ، الخطاب الشعري المعاصر