Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 299-305
الكاتب : سهالي محمد .
This article examines the obstacles that prevent the transition from traditional public space to cyberspace, as another space that shapes the political identity of Algerian youth in the digital world. In this point of view, is it possible to mention other possibilities capable to put another space that guarantees freedom of expression and communication with the other, both corresponding and contrary to opinion? What is the challenge in this space? What are the obstacles that hinder the transition from traditional public space to this space? Can young people realize these challenges in this space, allowing them to classify priorities and issues on the political agenda of society? Can we do without the real space and replace it with a new space, or can it only be an extension of the real public space?
Identity - Political Identity - Youth - Cyberspace - Elite
بوطلاعة وداد
بوكورو منال
ص 810-827.
كلثوم بيميمون
ص 7-41.
دشيرة محمد أمين
سهالي محمد
ص 211-230.